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Blundell races into Dorney to support Jesse

May 17, 2024 1 min read

A 166 strong crowd attended the last Bucks SportsAid event at Dorney Lake, as we welcomed F1 legend, Mark Blundell.

It was the first time we have held a motorsport focused event, as well as the first time we have supported a Judo star in South Bucks. Jesse Chraniuk, from High Wycombe, attended with his mother who is also his Judo coach.

Both Mark and Jesse shone as new Vice President, Mark Ormerod, expertly questioned both of them about their careers and aspirations. Jesse was particularly amazing given his confidence and ease of being in front of such a large crowd.

The event was a resounded success too, as the event raised £5k on the day. This will be ring-fenced to ensure we support more local sporting superstars in the region.

A massive thank you to Mark, Jesse, our loyal sponsors and everyone who supported the event. We also welcome Active in the Community and Platformation who have joined us as new sponsors.

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